And with this, Joshua finally concludes his trilogy of ape-themed episodes of The Shadow with “The House of Horror”! The story features a kidnapped gorilla, a fortune teller, and a series of wealthy young socialites who vanish in a...
It’s time for another thrilling adventure of The Shadow! This time we’re listening to “The Night Marauders,” in which a series of home invasions attracts Lamont Cranston’s attention when the perpetrators break into...
Joshua’s old college friend John suggested we listen to “The Gorilla Man” from The Shadow. So we did! Thanks, John! The story features a man who takes care of a large gorilla at the zoo. He finds himself growing to resemble the...
This week we begin Monsters on the Air, a series of monster-themed episodes to celebrate the Halloween season! Our first installment, “Death Prowls at Night,” from the Shadow, features Lamont and Margo taking a ski vacation in a forest...
Eric brings us back for another visit to The Shadow, this time with a story entitled, “The Island of Ancient Death!” In this story, Margo and Lamont come to an exotic island at the request of a woman who has seen her own face painted in...
Our gratitude to our most generous Patreon supporters continues, this time featuring our patron Mark! Mark joins us a for a discussion of an episode of his choosing, “The Shadow Challenged” from The Shadow! This unique installment in the...