Lights Out



Our thanks to our Patreon supporter Jules for suggesting this episode of Lights Out, “Subbasement!” The story features a husband grudgingly granting his wife a tour of his subterranean workplace. Beneath the city’s department...

Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage

Our Mysterious Listener Keith kindly sent us back into the Lights Out section of our Listener Library for an episode entitled “Bon Voyage!” Two elderly women have bought passage on a ship that departs at midnight, but they soon discover that the sea...

The Author and the Thing

This week’s visit to the Listener Library was requested by two Mysterious Old Radio fans from overseas! Thanks to both Katherine and Stuart for recommending we listen to “The Author and the Thing!” This recording of Arch...

Battle of the Magicians

Battle of the Magicians

We’re paying another visit to our Listener Library this week, checking out “Battle of the Magicians” from the legendary series, Lights Out! Our thanks to our Mysterious Listener Tim for the recommendation! This recording is a revival of an earlier...

An old train travels across the contry side.

The Signal-Man (Year Four)

Happy New Year! As the holiday season comes to a close, it’s time for our annual visit to the diligent man who lives by the rails. This is our fourth year sharing an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ other famous ghost story, “The Signal-Man.” We...

The Haunted Cell

Our sincere thanks to mysterious listeners Lionel and Abby for recommending this episode of Lights Out, “The Haunted Cell!” You are both awesome! In this story, the police get their hands on a suspected murderer and lock him in a cell— a cell that...