This week is our first foray into Pete Kelly’s Blues, a series featuring Jack Webb as a jazz cornet player who gets wrapped up in the seedy side of Prohibition-era Kansas City. This episode, entitled “Little Jake,” features Pete...
Our thanks to our Mysterious Listener Paul for recommending this adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Ring of Thoth” from Escape! Thanks, Paul! Inside the Louvre, an old Egyptian man tells the story of a near-immortal priest...
Pat Novak for Hire was a radio series with enough snappy dialogue to metaphor a whole podcast full of patter. This episode, “John Saint John,” features Jack Webb’s titular character trying to fulfill a stranger’s dying wish to see a letter...
As we continue to record these episodes under lock-down conditions, we also continue to listen to suggestions provided by our Mysterious Listeners! This week, we check out “Border Town,” an episode of Escape recommended to us by Marc. Thanks, Marc...