The Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society

The Crime of Bathsheba Spooner

The Crime of Bathsheba Spooner

Thanks to our Mysterious Listener Emmett whose enthusiasm for Crime Classics brings us to the Listener Library for an episode entitled “The Crime of Bathsheba Spooner!” Based on the true story of the first woman to be executed in the...

This Ain't No Way to Run a Railroad

This Ain’t No Way to Run a Railroad

We’re trying something new this week, Let George Do It! In this episode, detective George Valentine is hired by a wealthy man who has been thwarted in his attempt to spend a million dollars! The railroad he hopes to buy is losing money and may...

Mr Costello, Hero

Mr. Costello, Hero

Our thanks to our Mysterious Listener Mike for this visit to the Listener Library! Mike recommended we check out the episode of X Minus One entitled, “Mr. Costello, Hero.” The script is an adaptation of Theodore Sturgeon’s short story...



For this week’s episode, we went to some experts! Specifically we went to Murder by Experts for a story entitled “Conspiracy!” When a torrential rain threatens to wash away a city, a journalist discovers that the storm is a nearly...

Long Distance

Long Distance

Our mysterious listener Jillion sent us to the Listener Library for an episode of The Chase entitled “Long Distance”! Thanks, Jillion! The story features Jan Miner as the distraught wife of a man about to be executed for a murder he...

Murder in the Script Room

Murder in the Script Department

We’re listening to one of Arch Oboler’s most Arch Oboler contributions to the famed series Lights Out, an episode entitled, “Murder in the Script Department!” The story features a pair of typists who are obliged to work late...