This week, the Society crosses paths with The Shadow and there’s a lot of excitement over the mysterious crimefighter! This episode features a script written by Alonzo Deen Cole, creator of The Witch’s Tale. Is the story worth all the...
Join the Society for a visit to The Black Museum! Orson Welles was the host of this unique anthology of crime stories inspired by real events. “The Gas Receipt” is based on the case of Frederick Browne and William Kennedy—a grisly murder archived in...
Old Nancy from The Witch’s Tale provides the Society with this week’s episode, The Devil Doctor! The Witch’s Tale was the first horror series ever produced for radio, and writer/director Alonzo Deen Cole set the standard for...
The Society travels to Dimension X for this week’s episode—an adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s The Veldt! Imagine a strange dystopia where children are more interested in the virtual world provided by their technology than they are in the...
Only three episodes in and all the rules have been thrown out the window. Join the Society as they listen to an episode of the BBC’s The Price of Fear from…1974? That’s long after the end of the Golden Age of Radio! What’s going on...
The Society delves into a gem from the Arch Oboler era of Lights Out! In the story, Edna, Florence, and Kay take a sleigh ride through the country and cross paths with a very ill-tempered supernatural force. Will this story still send a...