Macabre wasn’t one of the best known series from the golden age of radio, but its odd origins contribute to some remarkable results. This week the Society has a chance to reflect on “The Man in the Mirror,” in which a man strikes a...
The Society returns to the Inner Sanctum for an episode requested by one of our listeners! Song of the Slasher features a hard-boiled detective hunting for a killer who whistles a unique tune. How many twist can they cram into this story? Do creepy...
Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re feeling a little tingle running through your skin, it could be love. Or it could be ants. This week we are happy to welcome Joshua’s wife, Adrienne English Scrimshaw, as our special guest...
The Arch Oboler Plays show serves up a doozy and the Society has a lot to say about “The Day Sinatra Got Fat”! Obloer’s macabre sense of humor indulges in a truly bizarre tale of aliens, pigs, and a strange green powder. Does the...
Join the Society for a dark, cold night spent with BBC’s Fear on Four story entitled “The Horn”! It’s not the Golden Age of Radio by a long shot, but it’s the perfect story for spending a winter’s night hiding...
Doctor X brings us The Strange Burial Of Alexander Jordan from the short-lived series Creeps by Night. A wealthy man’s fear of being buried alive leads to a security system to alert the living should he awake. What is the the true history of...