The Society pays a visit to Cabin B13 to hear one of Dr. Fabian’s dark mysteries! John Dickson Carr created the series and provided its ingenious scripts. In this story, entitled “The Sleep of Death,” a young suitor dares to spend the night in...
The stage is set for this week’s episode, “Broadway, Here I Come!” Our thanks to Ryan who suggested that we feature another story written by Robert A. Arthur (we’ve already heard his work with The Good Die Young and his adaptation of...
Have your ticket ready for a bus ride with madness! The Society has discovered Murder by Experts, in which an author recommends a story by a different different author which is then hosted by John Dickson Carr, yet another author...
Thank you to Keara who suggested that we listen to this episode of Suspense entitled “To Find Help,” featuring Ethel Barrymore and Gene Kelly. A woman hires a young man to clean her house, but soon discovers something strange and threatening about...
This week, the Society is listening to the nightmarish sound of “The Screaming Skull” from the enigmatic series, Theatre 10:30. This adaptation of Francis Marion Crawford’s short story tells the tale of a husband and wife whose deaths leave behind a...
Once again the Society strolls down the Hall of Fantasy for this adaptation of E. Nesbit’s “Man Size in Marble.” A young couple moves into a small village and encounters two ominous statues in the local church. Is there any truth to the grim...