The Society continues with its Listener Library series! This week, we feature a suggestion from Laurie, who recommended “The Werewolf” from The Weird Circle! The episode is based on “The White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains,” a short story by Captain...
Our Listener Library series is being put on hold this week because the Society is celebrating the birthday of H.P. Lovecraft by listening to his story “The Dunwich Horror” as adapted by Suspense! (If you are a fan of the man, might we suggest...
We continue with our Listener Library series, catching up on recommendations from our listeners! This week, we check out “The Wardrobe Trunk” from NBC’s Radio City Playhouse, suggested to us by Jake! A small-time criminal finds himself in over...
Our thanks to Keara who recommended this story from the series, Escape! This unusual tale is based on a short story by Robert Smythe Hichens and the production features the singular talents of the Man of a Thousand Voices, Paul Frees as the parrot...
This week the Society listens to a suggestion from Abby, who told us about an episode of Crime Classics! This series blends dark comedy and historical tales of true crime. In this episode, a German ne’er-do-well finds himself accused of four murders...
Our Summer Serial concludes with the shocking resolution to “The Thing That Cries in the Night” from I Love a Mystery! (Coming late to the series? Listen to Parts 1–3, Parts 4–6, Parts 7–9, and then Parts 10–12!) Jack claims to know who is...