The Society starts out a whole month of shows themed around classic movie monsters. We begin with the Mummy, represented by this Quiet, Please episode entitled “Whence Came You?” The story features an archaeologist who finds himself being observed...
CBS Mystery Theater adapted Jacques Futrelle’s short story, “The Problem of Cell 13,” for this week’s episode entitled “The Great Brain”! A brilliant mind hopes to prove the limitless potential of human intellect by allowing himself to be...
Columbia Workshop presents Lucille Fletcher’s adaptation of Sheridan Le Fanu’s novella “Carmilla”! A father takes in a young abandoned girl who befriends his daughter, but soon discovers that Carmilla is much more than she seems. Will a...
This week, The Mysterious Traveler takes the Society “Behind the Locked Door!” Two archeologists set out on an expedition into the Vermilion Cliffs but only one returns. Why does he want his fiancé to leave him forever? What has he locked away in...
It’s our 50th episode and to celebrate, the Society is listening to this beloved episode of Quiet, Please! An oil-drilling roughneck encounters a terrifying mystery after his team digs up something unexpected from deep beneath the Earth’s surface...
More than one listener requested this particular episode of Nightfall and so the Society has been drawn to “The Porch Light!” Many thanks to both Rob and David for recommending this creepy tale from the popular Canadian series. On the night of a...