The holiday season is over and the Society is back with an episode from our Listener Library. Our thanks to Dee for suggesting “If You Believe,” a strange story told by The Mysterious Traveler! A disreputable reporter publishes the story of a...
The Society is settled in for Christmas with some hot cocoa and a classic Charles Dickens ghost story, adapted by Suspense! In this case, we’re listening to Dickens’ other classic ghost story, “The Signal-Man.” In this episode Sarah...
The Weird Circle brought a little something to our holiday party, the supernatural tale of a Christmas descent into desperation with a man named “Markheim!” Based on the short story by Robert Louis Stevenson, this Christmas classic features a young...
He knows when you’ve been bad or good and he knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men! The Shadow has brought the Society “A Gift of Murder!” Lamont Cranston and Margo Lane show up to a holiday party with a murderer on the guest list...
(UPDATE! One of our astute listeners (thank you, Mike!) noticed that we have misidentified the origin of this recording! This is in fact from the 1955 run of The Clock, recorded in Australia. Our humblest apologies for the error.) The Society...
Our thanks to Scott for suggesting “Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper” from Mystery Playhouse! The series, hosted by Peter Lorre, re-purposed other radio series (in this case Molle Mystery Theater) for the Armed Forces Network. This particular episode...