The Society is taking off to the Great White North to pass the evening with “The Club of Dead Men,” an episode of the Canadian series, Nightfall! Based on a short story by James Wentworth Day, this episode tells the tale of a young Cambridge student...
It’s Valentine’s Day and we celebrate by welcoming Eric’s wife, Shanan Custer, as our special guest! She’s brought us a Lucille Fletcher-penned episode of Suspense entitled “Dark Journey!” A young woman claims that she can manipulate people and...
Guy de Maupassant’s classic short story was adapted by Mystery in the Air for this week’s episode, “The Horla!” Peter Lorre stars in this story a man tormented by an invisible presence. Where did this shadowy nightmare come from? How far will this...
This week we’re listening to the earlier of Agnes Moorehead’s two performances of “The Yellow Wallpaper” from Suspense! Our thanks to Mark for recommending this adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story! A new mother is being kept by her...
Listener Jamie recommended this week’s episode, “Weekend Vacation” from The Darkness! Thanks, Jamie! A vacationing family winds up in a strange old motel operated by an elderly woman and her child-like brute of a grandson. What dark fate...
Our thanks to Ryan for suggesting “The Iron Coffin” from The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, part of our Listener Library series! Raymond Chandler’s famous hard-boiled detective investigates a 16th century castle moved stone by stone from Spain to...