We’re headed back to the Old West, this time listening to an episode of Frontier Gentleman, entitled “The Honky Tonkers!” In this story, the titular British journalist finds himself passing the night in a rough-and-tumble saloon...
Our thanks to our mysterious listener Joe, whose extraordinary effort convinced us to visit a corner of the Listener Library we’ve been known to avoid, the CBS Radio Mystery Theater section! Based on Joe’s recommendation, we’re...
What’s on the other side of the world’s squeakiest door? Another episode of Inner Sanctum Mystery of course! This installment, entitled “The Voice on the Wire,” features a young widow who is being apparently haunted by the...
Who’s that singing in the Listener Library? Richard Diamond Private Detective, of course! Our thanks to our mysterious listener Matt for recommending “The House of Mystery Case!” A client has called on our musical protagonist to...
It’s been more than five years since the last time we checked out an episode of Macabre. This week, we return for a story titled “Final Resting Place!” This installment of the series recorded by members of the Far East Network features a pair...
Our Mysterious Listener Anna has sent us to the Listener Library for “Clarissa,” an episode of Quiet Please! Thanks, Anna! This story features a young mathematician who befriends the elderly man who rents a room to him. Soon, the younger...