Our Mysterious Listener Waymon really wanted us to listen to another episode of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar! So we are paying another visit to the Listener Library for this standalone installment of the iconic series, “The Sidewinder Matter!” This...
We return to Escape for “Conqueror’s Isle,” an adaptation of the short story by Nelson Bond! The story features a Navy pilot who, after a three year absence, returns with a strange tale of landing on an island inhabited by a group...
This episode of Lights Out comes from our Listener Library based on a recommendation from our mysterious listener, Zachary! Thanks, Zachary! This particular story, entitled “Death Robbery,” is one of the few surviving episodes to feature...
This is the second of two episodes recorded live in front of an audience at Open Eye Theatre, featuring special guest, Shanan Custer! Our audience joined us listening to “If a Body Need a Body Just Call Burke and Hare” from Crime...
This episode is the first of two recorded live in front of an audience at Open Eye Theatre, featuring special guest, Shanan Custer! We started the evening with the legendary Ethel Merman starring in “Never Follow a Banjo Act” from...
We’re late, but that won’t stop us from celebrating Father’s Day! To mark the occasion, we’re heading down to the Listener Library for a dad-themed episode of Night Beat entitled “Expectant Father.” Our thanks to...