Only three episodes in and all the rules have been thrown out the window. Join the Society as they listen to an episode of the BBC’s The Price of Fear from…1974? That’s long after the end of the Golden Age of Radio! What’s going on? Can theme stand in the place of plot? Has Vincent Price carried the torch of classic radio horror into the 70’s? Or is that burning smell melted polyester? Listen for yourself and find out!

Does “An Eye for an Eye” stand the test of time?
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Another fine episode of the MORLS. I also fall into the category of “not really a Vincent Price fan,” but this was interesting. I will say I far prefer his radio work to his films, and his Escape episode – “Three Skeleton Key” – is superb.

Amy Wimer

I really enjoyed this one, even though it was a little hard to follow. Three Skeleton key as noted above is a superior listen. If you guys are ever interested in doing a “modern” one (modern being about 30 years old so not really that modern) please consider Snow Shadow Area by Vanishing Point. When I stumbled across it one of the comments that stood out to me was “Mindf***”, and they were right. I had to listen three times to it, that’s how good this one is. You simply can’t take it all in in one listen. The story… Read more »

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The Mysterious Old Radio Listening SocietyEpisode 3
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