We return to test our courage and our sanity in the mysterious dream realm of Dark Fantasy for an episode entitled, “Men Call Me Mad”! The story features a scientist who has discovered a strange other world and the means to transport himself there. What adventures await him there? What unforeseen challenges must he face when he returns? Is this the pinnacle of an uncompromising artist’s work or incoherent nonsense? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “Men Call Me Mad” stand the test of time?
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This was sooo dreamy/ not a classic but wow what a trance it put me in!! Joshua- to your comments about lynch- My husband and I are big Lynch fans – the day before we lost David my husband had a random thought about his mortality along the lines of “I wonder how old he is now… that and his smoking we may not have him around much longer …” the next day David died -my husband does not believe in premonitions at all- but it was a wild coincidence that I think David would’ve appreciated- man we are going… Read more »

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