Suspense began its run with an adaptation of John Dickson Carr’s novel, “The Burning Court” and this week, we’re tuning in to give it a listen! A man discovers an image of a notorious 17th century poisoner who looks like exactly like his wife. And as fate would have it, his friend’s uncle has just been killed by poison! Is his wife somehow the same woman as he saw in the illustration? Can the amateur detective Cross deduce some less phantasmal explanation for the crime? Do all comedians want to be blaggards? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “The Burning Court” stand the test of time?
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Funny, I listened to this a couple of weeks ago having no idea you’d review it. I was going thru Suspense episodes from the beginning. Surprised to see you guys liked it better than I did. The weirdest thing is, I totally forgot the twist ending that it was supernatural!

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