All aboard for this adaptation of an Arthur Conan Doyle mystery that does not feature Sherlock Holmes! “The Lost Special” from Escape depicts the mysterious disappearance of a train that has Scotland Yard utterly baffled. But once they eliminate what is impossible, they begin to see how the crime could have been committed! What happened to the train? How was the apparently miraculous disappearance achieved? Did the Cub Scouts help defeat the French at the Battle of Agincourt? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “The Lost Special” stand the test of time?
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Brian K

Sherlock lite? Yeah, it was OK. I can’t recall ever reading any of ACD’s non Holmes stories but of course I’ve seen adaptations of The Lost World. I thought HG Wells was better in the movie in The Land That Time Forgot.


Even though this Escape episode wasn’t a classic, it comes very close to being one because the story itself is so well-thought out and put together, and the acting is so top notch, and the mystery of what happened to the train kept me hooked until the end. If it had been a straight-up Sherlock Holmes story, it would have been a classic. First time I’ve heard a story by ACD that wasn’t a Sherlock Holmes story—it was still pretty good anyway. Speaking of ACD, there was actually a show on the CW network a few years back called Houdini… Read more »


Forgot to mention that Houdini and Doyle were actually friends in real life, so the speculation makes total sense.

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