Volume I, Number 17 – Content Warning: Language and Horror

Seven young ladies, all undressed. From between the branches he watched them circle the pond. Their discarded gowns were draped over the stones, and their lovely feet moved among grass and stone and silk. They circled the pool seven times, singing soft. They stopped to join hands and gaze in adoration at the moon, reflected in its fullness in the water.
          Hekate Einodia, Trioditis, lovely lady, solitary goddess, hail! In stags rejoicing, huntress, nightly seen, drawn by bulls. Queen! On mountains wandering, hear we suppliants who with holy rites thy power revere!
          The women entered the pool and swam. They kissed each other and ran fingers through each others’ hair.
          He ejaculated onto the ground.
          One of the girls turned to look—had he made a sound? no—and then turned back to join her sisters. He watched for some time longer but found his interest had waned. He stopped massaging his soft cock, adjusted his perizoma, and returned home.
          Some minutes later his seed sprouted, and seven small gentlemen, featureless but well-formed, each as tall as a thumbnail and as pearlescent as the moon, crawled forth from the soil. In a moment they had taught themselves to walk, and then with mouthless voiceless cries of joy they ran down to the waterside, where the ladies received them with smiles and applause. When they reached the water they dived in, and dissolved entirely, in their dying bringing the glorious gift of life to the fertile pool and its expectant inhabitants.