We’re listening to our first episode of Sears Radio Theater, “Milwaukee Deep,” one of the show’s Friday night installments, featuring tales of high adventure! The story features a coast guard officer sent undercover to investigate a string of missing ships, seemingly lost in the depths of the Milwaukee Deep. His investigation soon brings him face to face with pirates and ancient gods! Will he discover what happened to the missing ships? Will he live to share what he’s learned? Do you love hearing advertisements for Sears? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “Milwaukee Deep” stand the test of time?
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Mia Hoover

I lived the Sears commercials. What woman wouldn’t want appliances as gifts.

Dave Potts

Perhaps the listening experience for this episode might have been improved if one had been utilizing some Sears Merry Mushroom Coordinates, so to speak.

One of the two stars of this episode was Barney Phillips, who played Friday’s partner Ed Jacobs on Dragnet (after Ben Romero and before Frank Smith).

And Tim might be interested to know that the Mayan storm god Chac, the guy whose head was being dumped in the ocean, was the antagonist in the first issue of Hawkman, in 1964.

Denis Roma

I was surprised that the Bermuda Triangle wasn’t mentioned at all, even as a throwaway line at the beginning when the Tom’s commander was filling him in about the abandoned yacht found adrift near the Bahamas. The Bahamas is located within area that the Bermuda Triangle covers, and there was a lot of interest in the Triangle in the 1970s. I really was hoping that they were heading in that direction when they were talking about the insane crewman found on the yacht. Joshua mentioned towards the end of the podcast that he couldn’t recognize which character Daws Butler was portraying. Butler played… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Denis Roma

I thought it was marvelous! 😉

Hank Sampson

Who remembers Barney Phillips as the bartender in one of the best Twilight Zone episodes, ‘Will the real Martian please stand up?’.

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