This time we’ve been sent down to the Listener Library by a particularly mysterious listener, an individual known only as “S.” Thanks, S! The recommendation is an episode of Price of Fear called “Come as You Are,” featuring the one and only Vincent Price! This story depicts Price begrudgingly attending a costume party at a restored priory in England. He trikes up a conversation with another attendee, who also has no wish to join the festivities. As this other guest tells his story, the narrative takes a dark turn. Is there some supernatural element to this man’s story? What would it take to force Vincent Price to dine in a mediocre restaurant? Will that one guy enjoy this story? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “Come as You Are” stand the test of time?
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No surprise, with no cops or cowboys, that one guy isn’t going to enjoy it.

This episode is hands down better than any episode of Rawhide and better than 80% of Dragnet. While it is true it doesn’t have the same audio effects, there is a ton to enjoy. Vincent Price is talking to a ghost!

Last edited 2 years ago by Smuggins
Hank Sampson

Vincent Price’s voice is a cozy warm blanket despite the subject matter. And it maintained that same ASMR quality up until his last years. Exhibit A and B – Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Edward Scissorhands.

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