Richard Thorne adapted M.R. James’ ghost story “Count Magnus” for this episode of Hall of Fantasy, entitled “He Who Follows Me!” In this installment, a husband and wife apparently incur the wrath of a vengeful being from beyond the grave. No matter what they do to try to escape, it hounds their every step! Is there any way for them to outrun their doom? What will happen if this thing should catch them? Will Gary be able to help? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “He Who Follows Me” stand the test of time?
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Lamont Cranston

This is one of my all time favourites. Yes it might be a little hokey and dated but there’s something about it that works for me.

Back when my kids were into campfire ghost stories I told them this and they didn’t sleep the whole weekend.

David Daley

I like this one too and can see why it works for you.

David Daley

I liked this despite the described shortcomings. Joshua mentions the creepy nature of it and I think it works well on that level a number of times. Dance of the Devil Dolls is my favorite Hall of Fantasy but that could be because I heard it as a kid and it got deep under my skin as I pictured the characters watching little dolls dance on their own. I think a lot of the success of these old horror episodes is how much the listener can engage with the frightening and other-worldly aspects of the story. The Old Time Horror… Read more »


Yay Tim! We were going to recommend ‘It Follows’, a genuine creepy film.

Other than that, I would love to see Eric’s adaption of this. I think it would be alot of fun.

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