Our Suspense-o-rama continues, featuring a whole bunch of episodes from the classic series that were recommended by our listeners! Our fifth installment in the series is “Bells,” the story of a young couple whose search for a new house seems to get some mysterious assistance. Once they move in, supernatural forces seem to descend upon the new tenants! Are there really powers from beyond luring this husband and wife to their doom? Can this couple retain their wits despite the terrors they face? Is it possible to buy insurance for this sort of thing? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “Bells” stand the test of time?
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LOVE your show but disliked “Bells” so much. It made no sense. Why did the guardian angel take them to a haunted house in the first place?! And it meant nothing! Nothing was revealed about the human condition, it was just plot driven suspense, which would be okay if they plot didn’t have a huge hole in it. I usually agree with you fellas, but not on this one.


I, literally, could not agree more with you. The story is just nonsensical.


You guys talked me into this one, I was all set to give it a hard “MEH” because I got hung up on the guardian angel sending them to a house just to save the day? What? And then she’s going to sell them shares in a pyramid scheme? I don’t trust this guardian angel, but okay, fine, you talked me into it. I do like any story that involves creepy/sinister/ghostly/murderous children, and the voices were well-done on that end. I’m glad you guys talked about the CBS Radio News commercial, I thought that was so great. And speaking of… Read more »


Ya, the radio announcer talking on end about it and invoking providence just really brought me out of it. I guess they didn’t think it would land otherwise?


The story in this was just awful. Everything else was well done, acting, foley, pacing. I thought the husband was spot on with his impatience about her psychic abilities. It is such a pathology about her abilities, that I got really tired of her talking about it all the time. Plus, psychic abilities and guardian angels are usually two very different camps. Psychic power comes from within, while guardian angels are divine protection. Very weird to have someone that combines them. This story would have made a lot more sense if she doesn’t mention psychic abilities at all, and just… Read more »

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