Jimmy Stewart stars in “Mission Completed,” an episode of Suspense about a veteran whose experiences in a Japanese POW camp left him paralyzed. When he sees the face of his former captor working across the street, his strength begins to return. Will he get the revenge he has longed for? Can he keep his newfound health a secret? What does Admiral Ackbar think of Colt 45? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “Mission Completed” stand the test of time?

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Doug Shaw

I loved this one because it was edge of the seat suspense the whole time. I was hungry but no way was I pulling over until I was done.

James d Birch

So, as a listener of about two years (that’s 2020-2022), I am going through your back catalogue and enjoying older episodes from your archives. That said, forgive the extreme lateness of this comment, please. You mentioned how great the “actual kid” in this episode was, and I can’t help but mention that the “kid” was played by Walter Tetley, who specialized in child voices – if you look up his biographical information, he was born in 1915, making him 34 years old when he played this role. You guys are pretty schooled in the “classic” radio voices, and, as many… Read more »

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