We’re listening to the very first episode of The Shadow to celebrate our 125th tale of crime, suspense, and horror! “The Death House Rescue” stars Orson Welles and features the first appearance of Margot Lane! An innocent man get swept up with a robbery that puts him on death row, but the Shadow intends to see that the real criminals are punished. What forgotten clue will trip up the culprits? Do Margot and Lamont truly love each other? Is disembodied laughter the creepiest behavior available to the Shadow? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “The Death House Rescue” stand the test of time?

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Trish S.

OMG. Have you never walked into a room and just done the Shadow laugh? It totally freaks people out…then you don’t need to worry about them bothering you while you listen to podcasts. 😜


This episode was the worst, like the lowest rating. The writing is just such a hack job. During the time, people knew about gun powder residue tests, which the driver would have failed. They didn’t find gloves, so why isn’t his fingerprints on the loot? If the fingerprints don’t matter why do the crooks wear gloves? The fact that other crooks held up the bank doesn’t absolve him of the crime, unless they confess on their deathbed, but again, why do they do that? The whole story line of trying to exonerate the driver is just chock full of plot… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Smuggins

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