After our long run of listener recommendations and Patreon rewards, we’re back to picking out a few episodes for ourselves! In this case, we’re listening to “Treasure Hunt” from The Whistler! A scoundrel endears himself to one of two sisters once he discovers that their grandfather left behind a hidden fortune. Can he decipher the verse that leads to the money’s location? How dysfunctional could his relationship with this sister possibly get? If we keep rearranging atoms are we going to explode? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “Treasure Hunt” stand the test of time?
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Robert sounded like Gerald Mohr to me.


Ooh, yes I agree. I listened to a clip on YouTube and his voice is very similar.


I’d say that lead roll was played by the great Gerald Mohr of Phillip Marlow fame…why was he uncredited?…don’t know.

Tim DeForest

It was definitely Gerald Mohr. It’s a fun episode and I agree the plot twists were effective.


Ha ha…I agree with the poetry comment…I too appreciate the concept of poetry, but I’m not into it…but I love (well, I feel weird saying ‘love’) Bukowski’s stories and poetry! And “It was fine-ish” made me laugh out loud on a busy bus, so thanks for that… 😉


True confession, I love the Whistler- even the formulaic ones. I think there are a couple where every character dies by the end. I believe the cooler shed is an early version of a walk in cooler. They’re made of wood and have tightly sealed doors. I don’t know if they were electrified or if some were just where you put ice in for the cool, but early AC was used for the one I’ve seen. It was really neat looking, and kind of steampunk in a way. I love how y’all don’t enjoy poetry, makes me love your podcast… Read more »

Patrick Monaghan

I married your stupid, ugly sister for nothing!


Uffda, what an ending. Better to be married to a man that hates you than alone?

Would have been better to have him go to jail for the poisoning of both sisters (secret murder + suicide).

Martha sounded like Mildred Natwick from The Trouble with Harry (whose incidental music appeared in an earlier episode).

Last edited 3 years ago by Smuggins

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