We return to one of the earliest series that we featured on this podcast, The Price of Fear! Today we hop on a train with the series’ star Vincent Price for the episode, “The Man Who Hated Scenes,” featuring fellow horror icon Peter Cushing. Price sits down for breakfast with a stranger who has a macabre tale to tell. Why was he traveling without his wife? Is he truly as nervous as he seems? How difficult is it for a Minnesotan to send food back at a restaurant? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think! (And thank you to our mysterious listener Terry for this illustration of Vincent Price!)

Does “The Man Who Hated Scenes” stand the test of time?

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Dave Potts

This was a lot of fun. I love both Vincent Price and Peter Cushing — and, as a former kid who devoured the Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators books, I also have a fondness for Robert Arthur. Perhaps because of all the EC horror comics I’ve read, my first suppositions about the nature of Harry’s revenge were a bit more graphically outlandish — is he going to fill the pool with piranhas? No, that wouldn’t be plausible; he’d have to drain the pool and refill it with water that wasn’t chlorinated. A shark? That’s even less plausible; he’d have… Read more »

Jessica Hanna

I was thinking it would be sharks, and that the assumption was that radio audiences were too unsophisticated to know that sharks wouldn’t survive a chlorinated pool. But the real ending? So much better.

Jessica Hanna

I’ve gotten stingier with my “classic” votes, but this one is a classic. Loved it.


This creates a theme with Queen of the Cats, of men whole have the privilege to get away with murder. Again, the female character doesn’t have any role beside betrayer. And they couldn’t even write that they were trying to murder the the husband. The wife is unfaithful and deceiving and that justifies pre-meditated murder? WTF, no wonder Price was speechless. The killer supposedly hates scenes, but why doesn’t he have his lawyers divorce his wife? If they had just seen the empty pool, that would have led to a scene for sure. Also, how in the world is it… Read more »

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