The Thing That Cries in the Night, Parts 13–15

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Our Summer Serial concludes with the shocking resolution to “The Thing That Cries in the Night” from I Love a Mystery! (Coming late to the series? Listen to Parts 1–3, Parts 4–6, Parts 7–9, and then Parts 10–12!) Jack claims to know who is responsible for terrorizing the Martin family, but he won’t reveal what he suspects until he has undeniable proof. Can you figure out the solution before the final episode? Is anyone actually listening when Jack speaks out loud to an empty room? How many of us have friends that can cry like babies (not including actual babies)? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think:

Does “The Thing That Cries in the Night, Parts 13–15” stand the test of time?
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David Feldmann

I put off listening to these for well over a year. Finally got around to them and they’re a lot of fun. There’s a lot of filler episodes but after awhile, I don’t even care because I’m so engrossed in the story and the characters.

Back in the 90s, I recall reading somewhere that I Love A Mystery was an influence on Spielberg for the Indiana Jones movies. Did you guys read anything about that while researching these episodes?

Joshua English Scrimshaw

I’ve heard people mention ILAM was an influence on Indiana Jones, but I’ve never been able to track down the source. I’m not sure if it came directly from Spielberg and/or Lucas or if ILAM fans just made the connection themselves since Indy owes so much to adventure serials from the 30s and 40s.


Way too much filler or “corridor acting”. The bits that build character are all good, but this isn’t really a mystery. The audience isn’t given all the information, even though it is pretty obvious the twist will be Chari is the murderer. There are alot of red herrings, like Chari is in the room when the gun is fired, but the idea that it is a gun on string is pretty silly. But at least the info is given before the reveal. Also, the plot really squirms to make the twist work, but there are alot of plot holes or… Read more »

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